Innovative Cooperative Business Models for Small Food Businesses

Introducing the Self-Employment Co-op

In today's competitive food industry, small businesses and entrepreneurs often struggle to achieve the economies of scale necessary to compete with large, consolidated businesses. Our innovative “self-employment co-op" model offers a solution, providing shared infrastructure and resources that enable small and micro-businesses to enjoy success and long-term sustainability.

How It Works

The self-employment co-op is structured as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) with 10 or fewer owner-operators. This model combines the benefits of collaboration with the freedom of self-employment:

  • Shared facilities, equipment, and business management services

  • Individual control over products, inventory, and scheduling within each member's department

  • Collaborative decision-making on high-level issues like insurance, permits, and overall marketing

 Key Roles in the Co-op

 A successful self-employment co-op typically includes:

  • Individual owner-operators (e.g., chefs/bakers in a foodservice co-op)

  • A business manager-owner facilitating shared services and business strategy

  • A marketing and communication manager-owner

This structure allows for specialization and efficient resource sharing within the co-op. By collaborating with other owners with complimentary interests and skill sets, owners achieve the benefits of ownership while still getting to focus primarily on doing what they love.

Benefits for Small Food Businesses

  • Reduced fixed and compliance expenses

  • Operational independence within a collaborative framework

  • Low upfront investment

  • Marketing advantages from a prosocial brand identity

  • Flexibility to join or leave as specified in the operating agreement

  • Opportunity to launch a unique brand (i.e., product line) within the collaborative structure

A New Approach to Cooperation

Beyond traditional user-owned or worker-owned cooperatives, the self-employment co-op model offers members additional benefits of ownership. Owners receive compensation as owner distributions rather than as wages, and they experience a significant level of autonomy that provides a unique balance between collaboration and independence.

Ideal for Various Business Stages

Whether you're just starting out or looking for a long-term business model, the self-employment co-op can work for you:

  • As an incubator for new food entrepreneurs

  • A steppingstone to independent business ownership

  • A sustainable, collaborative business model for your entire career


Join the Food Industry Revolution

By participating in a self-employment co-op, you're not just building your own business – you're helping to create a new, more equitable food economy. As a community investor or client of a self-employment cooperative, your purchases and investments empower artisans, preserve access to real food, and build stronger communities.


Interested in learning about self-employment co-op ownership opportunities? Contact us today to learn more!


Ready to support self-employment cooperatives through small investments or purchases? Please sign up for our mailing list to receive information about opportunities to create positive impact on our community.